Sterling Addlife India Private Limited Apps

Sterling Health App 1.0
Sterling Addlife India Private Limited(“Sterling”) is a fast growing & diversified healthcare groupof western India. It operates 5 multi - specialty Hospitals anddiagnostic centres across Gujarat. Sterling also provides otherhealthcare services which include pharmacy and home care. It wasestablished in 2001 and has since treated over 1 lakhs patients.Sterling believes in delivering quality care with human touch.Sterling was one of the first hospital Chains in Gujarat to go forquality accreditation. It has a capacity of about 1,000 bedsdistributed in five cities of Gujarat - Ahmedabad, Baroda, Rajkot,Bhavnagar and Adipur. It has developed state of the artinfrastructure along with a team of highly respected doctors &other medical professionals. It has been recognized for it’sefforts in delivering quality care both by patients and healthcareexperts. It was ranked as the best Multi Specialty Hospital inGujarat by The Week and India Healthcare Awards.Sterling has been at the forefront of technology adoption toimprove patient care. In this endeavour Sterling covered anothermilestone by reaching smart phone users through a proprietarymobile application which allows a user to book an appointments withdoctor or for a diagnostic test; view pathology reports directly onmobile and start treatment immediately; receives information of allmedical treatment facilities and services available at Sterlingincluding Doctors profiles and emergency contacts. Through thisapplication Sterling is always accessible to a patient.